
Sammy is All Better Now

 So, you were born with a hydrocele that didn't seem to close as we were told was likely. That is a communication between the body and he scrotum that normally closes up on its own, so we took you to age 1.5 to have a surgery with a doctor in Mexico.  For 9 months it seemed like everything was great, but that your ballsack began to fill with fluid again. So we waited, took you back to the doctor, and Mommy said we should take you to Thailand and have a second surgery done there.  The good news is that we were able to close a communication on the other side that had developed. But regardless, it was scary to put you under the knife and anesthesia. Scary.  It turns out that you had scarring from the last surgery :( There was no communication between the body and the scrotum.  But for a month after the surgery we didn't ket you do anything. And you didn't feel like it either. But on July 25, before were leaving Bangkok for Phuket, we took you to the doctor again, and she gave

Sammy and Nana Margie playing catch with the football

 Hi Sammy, here you are with your grandma, Nana Margie, playing catch with a football. For your age you're incredibly talented and good. 

Sammy Health Update

 Well, Sammy, I hope you never know this in the future, but right now you have a Hydrocele, meaning that there is communication between your scrotum and abdomen, allowing in water.  You had a surgery to get it solved permanently, which seem to work over a year ago, but nine months later it returned, and now it is quite big. We are going to take you to Bangkok to have the second surgery done which I hope solves it permanently along with your other side, being filled with water as well. I am quite worried, but the good news is that the surgeon told us that it was a very simple procedure, so we will be going to Bangkok to have this done. The problem that I have is that you are such an active little boy, and like to play rough and tumble, and we are going to have to calm you down for about one month. It's not fun, but it needs to be done. We are doing this out of love, because the only thing that I can do is to make sure that you have the best possibilities to succeed in life, and heal

Our family Dancing outside the Mall in PV

  For whatever I lack as a father, please remember that I played with you. Here we are dancing in Puerto Vallarta, outside the mall. 

Hydrocele- I am worried

 Dear Sammy, I am very worried, we had a surgery a year ago for your Hydrocele. That is because part of your body was leaking fluid into your scrotum. It seemed to be a success, and for about 9 1/2 months, your scrotum shrunk back to normal, but something must've reopened a small hole, because it has filled up again, and it's been a couple of months since it became noticeable, and it hasn't decreased in size, if anything it has increased. This means that we are likely going to have to have a second surgery for you, and I find it very upsetting, because the only thing that I desire is that you are healthy and happy. So forgive us, if you have to go back under the knife, and for the fact that we've already had two ultrasounds performed on your testicles. You do not like it, and you, scream and complain, and I don't blame you one bit, but it Has to be done, and I'm very very saddened and upset at all. But I'm gonna hold strong and do what's best for you. 

Robot wars vs Leo

 Hear you and Leo are battling, out of boxes, which we carved out arm, holes and eye holes, so that you could be robots you are aggressive, and are going after Leo. You're going to be a great athlete I think. 

Sammy Dancing!

 You've got moves bruh You've got moves!  love you Sammy!